What does IamHere for Business mean?

You can list and sell your products or services on IamHere by creating a Business Avatar based on your category of your business. While any Avatar will allow you to interact on the platform through maps, posts and chats, a Business Avatar will give you additional ability to create your own store (coming soon), promote your business on IamHere and other channels including Google, Facebook and Instagram and get support for your website and social media.

How can I list/sell my products?

You can post in “Buy & sell” by using the “Create” or “+” button on the community wall . You can enter the product details, price and any external buy link. If you are a running business, we recommend you to create a Business Avatar so your personal profile and business profile can be different.

How can I promote my products or services to gain more customers?

You can use the promote option on your post to reach more users. You can also reach out to us through Support chat if you are looking for higher impressions, leads or walk-ins, and we can plan a tailored marketing model for you that will not only run campaigns for you within IamHere but also across other digital channels (Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Quora).